
Foreign statutes

X Corp v eSafety Commissioner [2024] FCA 1159

Whether X Corp (new owner) was subject to online safety penalties imposed on Twitter (old owner) depended on the status of X Corp and whether ‘liabilities’ under Nevada law included regulatory obligations10.  Wheelahan J first observed (at [134]) that ‘Australian courts know no foreign law’11.

Foreign law is …


Qube Ports v CFMEU [2024] FCA 132

The issue in this fair work case was whether an enterprise agreement could be varied retroactively to remove ambiguity on application of an employer who was no longer ‘covered by the agreement’12

Wheelahan J (at [73]) said interpretation ‘requires more than matching up statutory text against pronouncements in books on grammar …

Rules of construction

Forrest v WA (No 2) [2024] FCA 729

Jackson J (at [139-140]) comments on how we are to apply ‘rules of construction’ under our system of interpretation3.  We tend to assume parliament is some perfect machine and that the legislation it produces is also perfect.  This is a false starting point, however, and not how things work out …

Building codes

Storty [2024] NSWLEC 1397, Salisbury [2024] SASC 92

In Storty, it was said that development consents, as statutory instruments, are interpreted the same way as statutes5.  They are to be read in the standard ‘text>context>purpose’ way6, as a whole, and so as not to undermine the statutory scheme in question7.  In Salisbury

Insurance contracts

Capral Ltd v CGU Insurance [2024] FCA 775

Jackman J (at [63-71]) provides a convenient guide on how insurance contracts are to be read. 

(1) Meaning is determined objectively.  (2) The perspective of the reasonable businessperson is to be adopted.  (3) It is assumed parties intend to ‘produce a commercial result’9.  (…

Human rights

DPP v Smith [2024] HCA 32

After Smith was charged with child sex offences, the judge convened a ‘ground rules hearing’ from which Smith was excluded12.  He argued that this infringed his right to a fair and public hearing.  This was rejected.  It was held there is no absolute rule that an accused must be present throughout their …

Same word, same meaning

Shafran v Secretary [2024] FCA 621

S challenged a review of his pension on the basis that ‘evidence’ considered was not otherwise admissible.  Banks-Smith J (at [113]) held it was intended that pension reviews consider a wide range of material, and that ‘evidence’ here should bear this extended meaning across the statute in question5.

The judge quoted the …

Expressio unius

EMJ18 v Secretary DHA [2024] FCAFC 87

What was said in this case (at [52]) about the expressio unius principle calls for comment8.  First, always apply the principle with caution9.  Second, this is consistent with the general rejection of rigid rules under our ‘modern approach’.  Third, even where the principle may be relevant, it may be …

Environmental plans

Sharp v Kiama Council [2024] NSWLEC 1360

This case concerned a dispute over residential lot sizes in an environmental plan.  Commissioner Espinoza (at [41]) commented on the correct way instruments of this kind are to be interpreted.  He quoted Robson J in another case for the following10.

(1) The same principles applied to statutes apply to environmental planning …

Deeds of company arrangement

Academy Construction [2024] NSWSC 808

DOCAs facilitate voluntary administration by binding the company and others to certain procedures in the administration.  This DOCA termination case raises how they are to be read.  Black J (at [97]) said they are to be ‘construed as statutes or, more precisely, as subordinate legislation’ rather than as contracts14

DOCAs derive their ‘operative …