
Axiomatic approach

Arrotex Pharmaceuticals v Minister [2024] FCA 522

This case is interesting for Rofe J’s description (at [46]) of the central passage in SZTAL as the ‘axiomatic approach’ to interpretation6.  There, the High Court said that, if the ordinary meaning ‘is not consistent with the statutory purpose, [it] must be rejected’.

This principle has its roots in s 15AA.  …

Comity of nations

eSafety Commissioner v X Corp [2024] FCA 499

The eSC gave a notice seeking to force X (Twitter) to block globally a violent video10.  If not blocked, Australians might access the video via VPNs.  This raised how far domestic law may reach into the global sphere consistent with the ‘comity of nations’. 

Kennett J (at [49-51]) explained that …

Across the Tasman

Whai Rawa Railway v BC 201036 [2024] NZCA 207

Episode 92 noted that the frequent instruction of our High Court to have regard to text, context and purpose12 is hardwired into NZ legislation.  Section 10(1) of their Legislation Act 2019 says – ‘The meaning of legislation must be ascertained from its text and in the light of its

Legislative Codes

Dayney v The King [2024] HCA 22

A legislative code is to be construed ‘without any presumption that it was intended to do no more that restate the existing law’15.  D was a meth addict.  He killed V with a baseball bat after V produced a gun during a planned burglary at V’s place.  D said that everything …


Riverina Solar Pty Ltd [2024] NSWSC 480

How much influence do headings have on interpretation?  In 2021, the High Court said the modern approach takes account of headings ‘in much the same way as use is made of extrinsic materials’7

Riverina concerned the impact of the heading to s 600G of the Corporations Act 2001.  Williams J …

Enterprise agreements

ANMF v Barwon Health [2024] FedCFamC2G 376

This case states the interpretation principles which apply to enterprise agreements8.  (1) The starting point is ordinary meaning read in context, including the industrial context and history.  (2) A generous construction is preferred to a literal one.  (3) Words are not to be construed in a vacuum ‘divorced from industrial realities’, …

Explanatory memoranda

Two opposing perspectives

Episode 106 focussed on comments by Edelman J on the status of extrinsic materials10.  It was said EMs are ‘important and weighty sources of information that invite the available implication that these materials are more reflective of government intent’. 

This was applied directly in R v RB11.  We should not expect that all …

Similar provisions elsewhere

EXV v Uniting Church [2024] NSWSC 490

Weinstein J refused to set aside under new laws  deeds of settlement already concluded between child sex abuse victims and the church14.  Similar laws had been enacted elsewhere at the same time.  What impact should decisions under those laws have?

The judge (at [166]) drew attention to comments by Gageler J …

Statutory definitions (scope)

Tigers Realm v Commonwealth [2024] FCA 340

Was movement of coal within Russia a ‘sanctioned import’ under regulations?4  That term included where a ‘person … transports goods … and … the goods are import sanctioned goods for a country …’  The coal was ‘import sanctioned goods’ by declaration.

Tigers said ‘transports’ only extended to coal imported into Australia or …

Statutory definitions (power)

Azimitabar v Commonwealth [2024] FCAFC 52

This case dismissed an appeal from the decision discussed in Episode 997.  It confirms that the idea  definitions are not read as a source of substantive power is no more than a ‘general principle’8.

Many cases, in fact, have not observed this ‘principle of good drafting’.  One of them states …