Peter Greensill Family Co v FCT [2020] FCA 559
The meaning of connecting words depends very much on context. Were certain capital gains to be disregarded as being ‘from’ a CGT event?6 That word indicates a causal connection7 but as Thawley J found (at [52]) ‘causation is not the exclusive criterion’.
It requires a stronger degree of connection than ‘in relation to’ or ‘in respect of’ and (at [55]) ‘should be understood as requiring a direct connection between the capital gain and the CGT event’ – absent here. Further, in making assumptions about the ‘desired or desirable’ tax outcome, the taxpayer had erred. As the judge pointed out (at [70]), the ‘correct process is the inverse’8. The wider context made this clear.
This principle is from Episode 61 of interpretation NOW!
6 s 855-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
7 Deal [2016] HCA 31 (at [41]), Pizzino (1982) 56 ALJR 843 (at 845) cited.
8 Certain Lloyd’s [2012] HCA 56 (at [26]), cf Rio[2015] FCA 94 (at [30]).